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Clovis East High School

Part of the Clovis Unified School District

Work Permit

Work Permit


Work Permits & Renewal for a Work Permit
Need a Work Permit?
Start by Clicking HERE for your Intent to Hire application.
Reminder:  You MUST still qualify for a work permit.  Information on qualifications is listed below.


Steps on how to get your Intent to Hire application filled out and filed

  1. PRINT the Intent to Hire application form out.
  2. Fill out your portion on the form.
  3. Have your employer complete their portion on the form.
  4. Get your parents/guardian’s signature.
  5. Once Intent to Hire application is filled out completely, scan it or take a photo of the document. 
  6. Then email it to Mrs. Whitney Stahl at


Work permits take 3 - 5 business days/within the hours of the Counseling Office to process for students.  Once your work permit is processed it will be sent for a digital signature through Adobe Sign.  Please look for this either in your email box or your spam folder.  Follow the instructions in the email to receive your document.  From there, you will print the document out and take it to your employer.


Guidelines/Eligibility to Receive a Work Permit

  • Maintain good Academic Grades - 2.0 GPA or Higher & No "F's." 
    • Grades are checked from students 6-week, 12 week or semester grades posted.
  • Must be on track to graduate (credits).
  • Maintain good Attendance.
  • Maintain good Behavior. 

If you have further questions, please speak to your academic counselor.


Work Permits need to be renewed each school year.  Be sure to check your expiration date listed on your work permit.  If the expiration date is approaching, be sure and fill out a new Intent to Hire application for a renewal.  This will allow you and your employer sufficient time to get the process renewed.  This alleviates canceled work schedules and shows your employer how responsible you are.

* If you still have questions, please email counselor, or come by the counseling office prior to the start of school, at your lunch time, or right after school.

Example of a completely filled out application. Click on the picture to view.