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Clovis East High School

Part of the Clovis Unified School District


What is CART?


The Center for Advanced Research and Technology (CART) is the most comprehensive, state-of-the-art education reform effort at the secondary level to date. CART combines rigorous academics with technical, design, process, entrepreneurial, and critical thinking skills.


The 75,000 square foot CART facility, designed as a high performance business atmosphere, is organized around four career clusters. They are Professional Sciences, Engineering, Advanced Communications, and Global Dynamics. Within each cluster are several career-specific laboratories in which students complete industry-based projects and receive academic credit for advanced English, science, social science and technology.


Eleventh and twelfth grade students from the Clovis and Fresno Unified School Districts are bused to CART where they attend half-day classes in one of the laboratories taught by teams of instructors from both education and business. The partnership between the school districts is a unique opportunity to make systemic change in education and positively influence the future of all students in the San Joaquin Valley, a rapidly expanding economic area for high-tech business and agricultural firms.


CART provides a state-of-the-art research and technology facility where students design and complete projects in collaboration with partners from the local, national, and international business community. Through learning plans, individualized attention, and a coordinated sequence of projects, CART students explore the variety of ways they can achieve their career goals. Working with business partners, teachers, and parents, students design a program of study that qualifies them to pursue the post-secondary path of their choice from entry-level positions to industry certification to university admission. With the knowledge, skills, and support they receive, students leave CART ready to launch their careers.


Phone: 559-248-7400


Click HERE for CART Course Offerings


CART Course Offerings


Click HERE to Apply 

Registration for 2024-2025 school year will begin on December 1, 2023 to February 9, 2024 (by 4:00pm)



Any student who wants to be considered through the lottery and have the best potential to get in or on the waitlist, MUST apply before February 9, 2024 (no later than 4:00pm). Late applications will not be available until April 1, and the popular labs and times will already be filled. 


On January 11, 2024 - CART will be having a large in-person Showcase. Students will be sharing their projects and presenting their learning both during the day and in the evening.


CART Parent Nights: Both nights will be in-person at CART from 6:00-7:00pm on January 25, 2024 or February 7, 2024.


CART Labs that will have Dual Enrollment options for 2024-2025 school year:


Psychology and Human Behavior: Psych 2, spring semester through Clovis Community College
Web Applications: IS 40a in the fall and IS 40b in the spring through Clovis Community College
Environmental Research: EES 4 through CSU, Fresno
Business & Finance: FIN 30 through CSU, Fresno
Marketing and Entrepreneurship:  ENTR 81 through CSU, Fresno





Updates & Timeline for Enrollment 


school year

  cart LOGO  


Application Window Date and time coming soon.






Career Technical Education (CTE)/Regional Occupational Program (ROP)

CTE/ROP prepares students for further education at colleges and universities, employment, or advanced technical training. Students also develop positive work attitudes and behaviors. CTE courses are offered through various career and industry pathways for 9th through 12th grade students in CUSD. ROP classes are held on each of the 5 high school campuses in Clovis Unified and are for 11th and 12th grade students only. Each ROP class is two periods long so students will earn 10 credits per semester and these classes have the potential to waive the CUSD PE requirement for the year (but ONLY IF the student has already completed 4 semesters of PE CORE and has a FULL academic schedule). Some CTE/ROP classes also offer students the opportunity to earn college credits in addition to high school credits.


Transportation is ONLY provided between Clovis High and Clovis East making it easy for students to access additional course offerings at these two sites. Personal transportation is needed for class offerings at Buchanan, Clovis West, and Clovis North.



