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Clovis East High School

Part of the Clovis Unified School District

T-Wolf Time

T-Wolf time banner

We have an exciting announcement regarding a new flexible intervention and enrichment time which will be added to our Tuesday schedule starting next school year. 

T-Wolf Time Advisory Period provides students with dedicated time to receive extra support and intervention from their teachers, helping them strengthen their understanding of key concepts outside of formal instructional time. Additionally, it offers enrichment opportunities for students to explore new learning experiences beyond the regular curriculum.

During this time, students will have approximately 45–50 minutes to engage in various activities, including guided instruction, test or assignment makeups, additional support for homework and classwork, PE makeups, or enrichment opportunities.

We will be piloting T-Wolf Time on Tuesday, March 4th, 11th, and 18th as a way to introduce the Advisory Period to the student body in preparation for next school year. Introductory videos and instructions will be delivered to all students this week in their fourth period classes. 

Students will sign up for their T-Wolf Time Advisory Period through Student Connect on their mobile devices or computers from February 28th to March 3rd. Teachers will assign students requiring specific content instruction or intervention between February 25th and 28th. Sign-ups open on February 28th at 1:30 pm and close on March 3rd at 9:30 am. Any students who have not selected a class or been assigned by a teacher by the deadline will be assigned one on Monday at 10:00 am. The final T-Wolf Time pilot sessions for this year will take place on Tuesday, March 11th and 18th.